Sunday, November 4, 2012

5 more weeks!

Yay! Yay! Yay! Only five more weeks of classes and I will be done with my first semester of college. Two more weeks until Thanksgiving break, (Which I'm PUMPED for! Delicious food yumyum) and then after that is the home stretch until Christmas break. This semester flew by, but I'm glad. I can't wait to start taking classes that aren't general pre-req's, full of students who still don't care even though they are at a university. I can't wait to start taking classes that will be about nursing, even though they are going to be a lot harder!
First, I have to meet with my advisor to fix my schedule. Since freshmen make their schedules last, and by ABC order, I had very few options. I took what I could take but couldn't even get into my Biology class, which is super important! I'm bummed out to say the least... I hope my advisor can help me out! If not I'm going to be busting my butt at community college this summer.

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