Initiation was so great! I am so glad I joined such a great sorority full of amazing girls. The actual initiation process is a secret, so I can't blog about it. But, what happens afterwords is not so here goes!

After we are initiated, we give our bigs the paddles we made them. Amanda loved hers! The bigs also have great gifts for their littles, it was like Christmas we were spoiled so much! Amanda got me two sweatshirts with our letters embroidered on them, and an embroidered shirt. I also got two "Go Greek" shirts. She decorated a glass jar and filled it with candy for me, and bought me two big boxes of sour patch kids because she knew thats my favorite candy. She gave me a picture frame with a picture of us in it, and photo-cube which had pictures of us on all four sides. I got a panda key-chain, an AOII bulletin board that she made for me, and even panda socks and a panda note-pad! My two favorite gifts were the hand painted wooden letters that she decorated for me, and my Rose Book. Many bigs make their little a Rose Book, which is like a scrapbook. It is filled with pictures of us, a family tree, and lots of information about our sorority, including songs and information about our founders. I love it because I know how long scrapbooking can take and its such a special gift. I am so happy to wear my letters now and to have such a wonderful big!
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